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Susan Renee
8th Grade Special Education Teacher
Middle School
Michelle Rhoda
Middle School Parent-Student Advocate
Middle School
Jessica Sager
3rd Grade Teacher
Elementary School
Amanda SanInocencio
6th Grade Teacher
Middle School
Deelana Schaendorf
Elementary School Paraprofessional
Elementary School
Todd Shipley
6th Grade Teacher
Middle School
Jamie Simpson
Elementary School Counselor
Elementary School
Jennifer Sinclair
High School Administrative Assistant
High School
Jodi Skinner
Second Grade Teacher
Elementary School
Janine Smith
High School Special Education Teacher
High School
Tracy Spaulding
Elementary Paraprofessional
Elementary School
Heather Tack
Developmental Kindergarten Teacher
Patti Taylor
Food Service
High School
David Terry
Bobby Tillman
Middle School Principal
Middle School
Heidi Tyner
7th & 8th Grade Honors ELA, 8th Grade ELA Teacher
Middle School
Jessica Valenzuela
Elementary Paraprofessional
Elementary School
Chris VanHoose
High School Guidance Counselor
High School
Shasta Waller
3rd Grade Teacher
Elementary School
Laci Watson
Elementary Administrative Assistant
Elementary School