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Amber May
Middle School Paraprofessional
Middle School
Justine McCowan
Pupil Accounting
Central Office
Tina Meinke
Jamie Menck
Food Service
Midlle School
Sylvia Miller
High School Math Teacher
High School
Cheryl Mosebach
8th Grade Math and High School Algebra & Geometry Teacher
Middle School
Dr. Greta Munger
Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
High School
Ben Munsell
Elementary and Middle School PE
Elementary, Middle
Hunter Myers
Assistant Athletic Director
High School
Sara Nevins
Academy Teacher
Kerry Olds
Food Service
Middle School
Cindy Owen
Director of Finance
Kimberly Paff
Elementary Paraprofessional
Elementary School
Breanna Peake
Elementary Paraprofessional
Elementary School
Dan Phillips
7th Grade Science & Social Studies Teacher
Middle School
Sandra Podolan
7th Grade ELA & Writing Teacher
Middle School
Carla Poignard
Online Teacher
High School
Isabella Price
Second Grade Teacher
Monique Reed
High School English Teacher
High School
Lindsey Reil
Kindergarten Teacher
Elementary School