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Heather Klinger
Elementary Special Education Teacher
Sara Knight
Middle & High School Band Director
High, Middle School
Brad Knobloch
High School Auto Shop/Metal Fabrication Teacher
High School
Tess Knobloch
High School Special Education Teacher
High School
Todd Kroes
High School Math Teacher
High School
Jenna Landa
3rd Grade Teacher
Elementary School
Katie Lebeck
7th Grade Special Education Teacher
Middle School
Kristin Liceaga
Elementary Administrative Assistant
Elementary School
Kevin Lillibridge
6th Grade Teacher
Middle School
Marti Lindstrom
Elementary Principal
Trinity Lorenz
Elementary School
Amy Lorenz
Daycare Supervisor
Elementary School
Rhonda Lundquist
School Nurse
Margaret Martin
Elementary Music; Middle School Technology
Middle, Elementary
Amber Martin
Elementary Paraprofessional
Nicole Massanari
Elementary Intervention
Elementary School
Sara Mast
4th Grade Teacher
Middle School
Amber May
Middle School Paraprofessional
Middle School
Justine McCowan
Pupil Accounting
Central Office
Mary McFanin
High School American History and Yearbook Teacher
High School