DKHS Marching band logo

Our DKHS Marching Band has wrapped up its competitive season, bringing home accomplishments to be proud of.

On September 28th, they took the field in competition at the 39th annual Otsego Band Invitational. They received 1st Place, the Best Music Caption Award, and Awards of Excellence in Marching in their class.

On October 5th, they took the field in competition at the 33rd annual Hastings Marching Band Invitational. This final placing came down to the finite details of their performance as they announced an overall score tie for 2nd and 3rd place. For tiebreakers, they look at the combined Music Performance and Music Effect score to determine the higher ranking. Our DK Panthers brought home that 2nd Place Trophy with Awards of Excellence in Music, Marching, and Color Guard!

Good job, DK!

Stay tuned for details to help send our DK Marching Band back to Hawaii in December Trophy and band membersMarching band on DK Football field2025.