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Cindy Homister
Food Service
High School
Laura Hufford
High School Spanish Teacher
High School
Misty Kapteyn
Assistant Athletic Director/High School Media Center
High School
Chelsea King
High School Algebra and Financial Math Teacher
High School
Brad Knobloch
High School Auto Shop/Metal Fabrication Teacher
High School
Tess Knobloch
High School Special Education Teacher
High School
Todd Kroes
High School Math Teacher
High School
Mary McFanin
High School American History and Yearbook Teacher
High School
Sylvia Miller
High School Math Teacher
High School
Mike Mohn
Athletic Director/High School Dean of Students
High School
Mark Nabozny
High School PE Teacher
High School
Carla Poignard
Online Teacher
High School
Monique Reed
High School English Teacher
High School
Jennifer Sinclair
High School Administrative Assistant
High School
Janine Smith
High School Special Education Teacher
High School
Patti Taylor
Food Service
High School
Rebecca Tobias
High School Paraprofessional
High School
Patty Weck
High School Paraprofessional/Daycare
High School
Samantha Wilson
High School Paraprofessional
High School
Grace Wolfe-Wagner
High School English Teacher
High School